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Igår, 17:49
På måndag fortsätter försvarets korsförhör med Cohen, åtföljt av åklagarsidans avslutande förhör med Cohen. Efter det har försvaret möjlighet att kalla ytterligare vittnen.

Troligen får Cohen frågor om vad hans tidigare advokat Robert Costello vittnat om i förhör med House committee häromdagen:
Costello is a savvy New York defense lawyer who represented Cohen at the start of the federal investigation. He has been released from his attorney-client confidentiality obligation (because Cohen waived confidentiality when he told the feds about his discussions with Costello). On Tuesday, Costello testified before a House committee, asserting that Cohen’s testimony was rife with lies – a claim Costellos says he can back up with emails, texts, etc. Costello also testified to that effect in the grand jury.
I expect Blanche will use Costello’s House and grand jury testimony in attacking Cohen on cross-examination.

Ett annat alternativ är att försvaret kallar Costello att vittna:
Could Costello end up being a witness if there is a defense case? Up until now, I’ve surmised that there would be no defense case, and that Team Trump would rely on the weakness of the prosecution’s case. But Costello is an option for the defense (unless Team Trump decides it has sufficiently demolished Cohen’s credibility during cross-examination).

Costello talade med Fox efter förhöret, och framstår som ett vittne som kan pulverisera Cohens uppgifter:

Former Michael Cohen adviser: 'He told me he had nothing on Trump,' Stormy NDA was 'his idea'
Robert Costello says he believes he should be called to testify at Trump trial
Costello also detailed his April 2018 meeting where Cohen admitted that he was suicidal, as he saw enormous legal problems headed his way.

"They were so bad in his mind that he was willing to kill himself and so I kept on going back and suggesting to him, listen, Michael, if you have something truthful on Donald Trump, now is the time to cooperate," Costello said. "He kept on saying over and over again, 10 to 20 times, 'I swear to God, Bob, I don't have anything on Donald Trump.'"
Then, when discussing the Stormy Daniels NDA, Costello said Cohen specifically told him it was his idea to take care of the NDA because he had been contacted by a lawyer for Stormy Daniels, who said she was going to claim that Donald Trump had sex with her.

"Cohen said, 'I didn't believe the allegation, but nevertheless, it would be embarrassing to Melania,' that's Michael Cohen's words he said, and so ‘I decided to take care of this myself,’" Costello said. "Now, he took out a home equity loan for $130,000 and used that, and he did tell us that he got repaid later."
Igår, 21:19
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Ursprungligen postat av Batuta
På måndag fortsätter försvarets korsförhör med Cohen, åtföljt av åklagarsidans avslutande förhör med Cohen. Efter det har försvaret möjlighet att kalla ytterligare vittnen.

Troligen får Cohen frågor om vad hans tidigare advokat Robert Costello vittnat om i förhör med House committee häromdagen:

Ett annat alternativ är att försvaret kallar Costello att vittna:

Costello talade med Fox efter förhöret, och framstår som ett vittne som kan pulverisera Cohens uppgifter:
Det verkar som du inte vet om att Cohen får förklara sina svar och ställs av åklagarna efter försvaret?
Kan du verkligen var så okunnig att du inte ens vet om detta?

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